Travel Nursing Sweet Home Alabama Tips for Travel Nursing in Alabama Blog

Tips to Travel Nursing in Alabama

1. Learn About Your Destination—Get up to date on everything that Alabama has in store for you, from weather to entertainment.
Alabama Bureau of Tourism & Travel
Comprehensive list of attractions, events and historic sites
Climate in Alabama
Average temps and rainfall, plus seasonal summaries
Alabama Dining Guide
From fine dining to local drive-ins
Alabama Advantage
Gateway to state, city and county Web sites
InfoCenter Alabama
Search Alabama information by city.
Ask Questions about Alabama
Forum about Alabama.
Alabama State Parks
Guide to all the parks and their particular features. 
2. Get Organized—Moving to a new place requires a lot of planning, and being organized will make the process smoother. Make a master list of everything that needs to be done and follow it diligently. Work with your recruiter to make sure that all your documentation, licensing and records are up to date and any paperwork is completed ahead of time. If there are any questions about the contract or any part of the agreement—overtime, pay rate, float policy or benefits—ask your travel agency. 
3. Make the Most of It—Since you’ve decided to become an Alabama travel nurse, make the most of every situation, both at work and after hours. Be a positive and flexible member of the nursing team and always be willing to try new things. Even in a challenging situation, your skills and knowledge will be expanded. When not at work, take the time to really enjoy your surroundings. Experience local diversity, immerse yourself in a different lifestyle and make memories to last a lifetime.